Monday 25 March 2013


Kia Ora. Kia Orana. Talofa Lava. Malo E Lelei and greetings to all you Nerfers out there from the other side of the world. The name is Ben but you can call me Raiden. I'm not sure how well i'll do with blogging but thought i'd try it out and see where it takes me. Somewhere I hope.

There really isn't a Nerf scene here in NZ as such but word does get it around if the cards are played right. All I can say is the crew that what we have with Nerf Canterbury (or NC) is a good thing. Consistent numbers every week, a bond and unity with one another and a desire to see how far we can go with Nerf as a whole.

I became hooked on Nerf in 2007. I was at an Armageddon Expo (one of those cosplay things) here in Christchurch and entered the Kamehameha Competition dressed up as Ryu from Street Fighter. Straight to the pont, I won the comp and got given a Nintendo Wii. The game it came with was The Nerf N-Strike game. I saw . I played. I enjoyed.

Jump a few years later, I am now successfully running Nerf Canterbury to:

- Jump start a club
- Meet new people

- Exchange darts

Anywho, before things get outta hand i'll stop right here for now and will think on what to blog for the week, Again, i'm quite new to the bloggin thing so please say Kia Ora. Sweet as bro!

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